What is one-way shipping?

What is one-way shipping?

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Complete transportation means that the goods are only imported or exported without delivery or unloading at the customs. In this method, no evacuation is done and all the formalities are done on the vehicle. Complete transportation happens when the goods are ordered and must be transported from the origin to the destination without stopping.

These loads are never unloaded and they are transported in different ways. There are many differences between the conditions of general transportation and normal transportation. All freight charges are issued on the vehicle and include the warehouse bill. Perishable goods are included in this law and must be sent to their destination without unloading and in the shortest possible time.

Complete transportation declaration

Merchants and businessmen must have the declaration in order to carry the uniform. This document speeds up sea , land and air transportation. If the goods clearance process is followed as a single shipment, it is necessary to send the imported goods to the destination without unloading according to the declaration.

Merchants must go through administrative procedures to be able to use these conditions. The declaration form is necessary for customs clearance and helps to move cargo smoothly. In this document, the type of cargo and its origin and destination are included.

اگر فرد دفترچه بین المللی TIR (کارنه تیر) را در اختیار داشته باشد دیگر نیازی به فرم اظهارنامه نیست و کالا بدون تخلیه حمل می‌شود. در حمل مشترک داشتن اظهارنامه جزو قوانین و اصول است که همه باید از آن پیروی کنند.

Benefits of Complete transportation

This method has attracted the attention of transport companies and traders due to its good advantages. Its good advantages include the following:

Benefits of one-way shipping

  • Not imposing clearance fees in third countries

This method does not have a clearance fee; Because the goods are cleared without unloading. Unnecessary steps for clearance are eliminated in this method, which is why costs are greatly reduced. The cost-effectiveness of this method is considered the most important advantage.

  • Elimination of intermediary company costs

Eliminating intermediary companies has reduced some costs. Companies involved in transportation are excluded in this method. For this reason, the cost is lower.

  • Uniformity in goods inspection

In this way, concerns about inspection are eliminated; Because the inspection is done directly and uniformly. This issue becomes more important for sensitive and valuable goods such as the import of gold bars. With this uniform inspection, the quality of the products is well guaranteed.

  • Competitive price, especially for special loads

Another advantage is its simple nature, which is done at a low price and without intermediaries. Special loads reach their destination faster with this method, and this can prevent spoilage and spoilage of materials. Pricing in this process is competitive and companies take responsibility for the entire process.

  • Efficient product inspection

It takes place without delay and the product inspection process is to ensure its quality and quantity. In this method, time-consuming inspections and unloading are not performed.

The difference between internal transit and one-way transportation

Domestic transit has many differences with bulk transportation. Each method has its own rules and principles and is carried out according to certain steps. In internal transit, the goods are inspected very carefully and this process can be time-consuming; But no inspection is seen in the whole shipment, that’s why loads are sent to the destination without delay and unloading.

In transit, customs goods are transferred from one country to another country and must go through all legal customs procedures. These goods are subjected to strict inspection and in some cases they are unloaded. However, in the whole transportation of the non-customs goods, the vehicle moves from the origin to the destination.

This load includes the permit and bill of lading within the country. Costs are lower in all-in-one transportation and this method is cost-effective; But in domestic transit, costs increase. In this transportation, a bill of lading is required and the name of the city must be included in it. In internal transit, the goods are unloaded in Kamragh and a bill is issued for it and it is carefully checked.

Domestic transit, one-way transport

Domestic transit is carried out according to the rules and regulations. In this method, the cargo that has not been cleared by customs is sent from the internal customs of one country to the internal customs of another country. The unloading of these cargoes takes place at the destination customs; Because it has been billed there.

There is no unloading on the way of transportation and the goods are delivered in the same way as they were packed. A bill of lading is issued for these shipments. If the owner of the goods decides to send the cargo to another customs office, he must provide the warehouse bill so that the cargo can be transported in one piece.

This transportation is carried out by various air, land and sea methods, and traders can do it without needing a warehouse bill. Non-customs shipments do not need to be inspected for several days and must be sent to their destination immediately. In internal transit, the volume of cargo is different and it reaches the destination in a certain period of time.

Laws for payment of wages and customs duties of single goods

Goods transported by this method should not pay customs duties. According to the law, these goods should not be unloaded in any way, and their inspection is not like normal cargo. To ensure that these goods are not sold in the country, the customs organization receives a document from the merchants. The document remains with the customs office until the goods are fully exported.

Laws for payment of wages and customs duties of single goods

After the goods are shipped out, they will be given to the merchant with the complete document. These loads are included in the insurance policy, and in case of damage, the insurance will pay the cost. Insurance is issued in the form of a lump sum and is in accordance with the value of the goods. An internal transit permit is issued for cargoes that are to be transported in one piece.

Merchants who operate in this field can import the required items to the country in the shortest possible time with the help of a single transportation system. If the product order registration is according to the rules and regulations, it will cost less. The rules for the payment of wages and duties for single products are always determined by the Kamragh organization.

Customs formalities in transporting goods together

This method also has its own formalities and traders are required to comply with these rules and formalities. Such shipments are not unloaded in any way and enter the destination country in the same original form. The steps and conditions of complete transportation are different from normal transportation. All customs formalities are applied to the vehicle carrying the cargo.

بازرسی‌های زمان گیر در این روش وجود ندارد و شرکت‌های واسطه به راحتی حذف می‌شوند و همین موضوع توانسته هزینه‌ها را به شدت کاهش دهد. در حمل یکسره شما شاهد هزینه‌های اضافی مثل تخلیه و انبار کالا، بارگیری نخواهید بود و تشریفات سخت و پیچیده‌ای هم ندارد. در این روش هزینه‌ها به صورت جداگانه و تفکیک شده پرداخت می‌شوند.

For importing goods from different countries, this method is low-cost and affordable. If the goods have a one-way transportation permit, they do not need to be unloaded, inspected, or go through complicated and delaying procedures at any customs office. These cargoes enter the warehouse without unloading to be transported to the destination country on time.

Complete transportation costs

All charges for Complete transportation are applied to the truck. Even the warehouse bill is calculated separately. In this method, the costs are lower; Because intermediaries have no role in this transportation.

This customs procedure exempts you from paying additional fees. The cargo packed in the car remains in the warehouse until it is sent to the destination at a specified time. Commercial shipments are subject to a series of charges that must be paid prior to departure.

In Complete transportation, various services are provided, including warehousing, insuring commercial cargo, and transportation, each of which has a separate cost. Businesses who use this method for transportation should not pay duties and customs fees. This exemption is on the condition that the owner of the goods presents a document that the goods have not been sold.

What goods are suitable for one-way transport?

Complete transportation is suitable for sensitive and valuable goods that must reach their destination without unloading and in a short period of time. Goods that may be damaged or damaged during unloading are subject to one-way transportation.

Suitable goods to Complete transportation

With this technique, the cargoes stay away from damage and reach their destination safely. If the consumer needs the goods urgently, it is necessary to send the cargo through a single shipment. Pharmaceutical and medical items and food and drinks are like this.

If the customs does not have the necessary equipment to inspect and unload the cargo, it will use single transportation for transportation. Due to the good advantages that this method has, it has been taken into consideration today.

final word

Complete transportation makes it possible for sensitive and perishable goods to reach the consumer faster. These cargoes need permission to be easily cleared and sent to the destination country without unloading.

It is delivered to the destination country without being unloaded by Complete transportation the cargo in the same way as it was packed. All-in-one transportation has reduced transportation costs and shortened the hands of intermediary companies. Customs duties are not included in single shipment goods, that’s why their shipping cost is more reasonable.

If you need more guidance in the field of import and export of goods, be sure to discuss with our experts at Ghasile Shargh.


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