Ground transportation

Ground transportation

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There are different methods of transportation. One of the most common methods includes ground transportation. This type has various types of vehicles. Today, in spite of other ways, ground transportation is still one of the most practical and available transportation methods, which has many advantages. This method is used for both passengers and goods.

Types of ground transportation

Different types of ground transportation are used by people, each of which has specific uses to create a sense of security and comfort for you. In the following, we provide the necessary explanations regarding ground transportation methods.

road transport

It is one of the most common and simplest methods. This method of transportation can be used by different types of vehicles, including private cars, buses, trucks, or animals used for transportation. Road transport has a relatively good speed and passengers and goods can be sent to many places by means of it. One of the disadvantages of this method is the risks caused by momentary accidents. If there are borders between two countries, road transport can also be used for international transportation.

Rail transport

Rail transport is one of the oldest methods of transportation. This type of ground transportation, in addition to being the first word in terms of safety and cost-effectiveness, also makes you enjoy the beautiful scenery during the trip. Rail transportation is used to move passengers and goods and it is carried out in both inner and outer cities.

Rail transport

International ground freight cost

The cost of transporting a product to other countries is of particular importance. Therefore, it should be said that the ground transportation method is considered as an easy and cheap way. But the cost of this method can depend on various factors. Among these factors are the type and volume of cargo, the distance traveled, the type of ground vehicle, packaging, and cargo insurance.

Advantages of ground transportation

The affordable cost of this method is one of the reasons for choosing ground transportation over other ways.

  • The transfer of goods through this type of transportation can be done completely from the origin to the destination without the need for reloading. In this case, the goods can be sent to the warehouse without paying any other fees.
  • The time of transfer of a product or passenger can be completely according to one’s wishes.
  • This method does not have complicated packaging compared to air and sea ways, so it will have a more affordable cost.
  • There is the ability to access different areas and it is suitable for short or long distances.
  • This transportation method has a relatively high transfer speed.
  • The vulnerability of the product is low in this method.

Advantages of ground transportation

Disadvantages of land transportation

  • In the winter seasons when the weather conditions are not favorable, accidents and disturbances may occur.
  • The possibility of road accidents is higher in international ground transportation.
  • For long distances that contain intense and heavy traffic, this method can be inappropriate.
  • Other methods are more suitable for moving heavy loads.
  • The possibility of environmental pollution is higher with ground transportation.

International ground transportation services

In order to carry out the necessary measures for the land transportation of goods or passengers, before anything else, one must obtain information about this transportation method. You can get help from our experts in sending goods to the East to get the necessary knowledge about international ground transportation and use international ground transportation services in the best way.

Road transport conditions

People who intend to operate in the field of domestic or international ground transportation need to comply with a number of conditions in advance so that the goods reach their destination safely and also the lives of passengers are safe. In the following, we discuss some conditions and regulations of road transport.

Road transport conditions

Necessary documents

Drivers are required to prepare other required documents in addition to public documents such as driver’s license.

  • Workbook: It shows the activity of a person who is checked by the police. In case of not having this booklet, the driver is considered a violator and must be fined.
  • Identification card: This is a photo card that is issued to identify drivers in road transport and to provide security from the origin to the destination.
  • Physical and mental health certification card: All drivers who carry passengers or cargo must obtain this card from the health and medical organization.
  • Affiliation Card: This card indicates which ground transportation company the vehicle belongs to.
  • Speed ​​and work time inspection book: It is a book in which the work time and violations of drivers are recorded.
  • Passenger ticket: All passenger companies are required to print a passenger ticket that has full details such as the person’s name, date and destination.
  • Condition: It indicates traveling more than 20 kilometers. Failure to use it is considered a violation.
  • In addition to these documents and documents, every ground transportation needs to have a series of equipment such as fire extinguisher, first aid box, wheel chains, heating and cooling system, etc.


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