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Factors affecting the price of stretch

The price of stretch is affected by several factors, some of which are mentioned below:

1. Type of stretch:

  • Industrial stretch: usually more expensive than blown type due to the special manufacturing process.
  • Blown stretch: it is generally cheaper than the industrial type.

2. Thickness:

  • Thicker stretches cost more due to more raw materials and higher strength.
  • Thinner stretches are cheaper.

3. Width:

  • Wider stretches cost more due to more coverage and more raw material required.
  • Narrower stretches are cheaper.

4. Color:

  • Colored stretchers are more expensive than transparent ones due to special additives.
  • Transparent stretchers are cheaper.

5. Raw materials:

  • The price of raw materials, especially polyethylene, has a direct impact on the stretch day price.
  • Fluctuations in the price of oil and gas, as the main raw materials, affect the price of stretch.

6. Demand and supply:

  • The increase in demand for stretch, due to the increase in consumption in various industries, leads to an increase in the price.
  • An increase in stretch supply, due to more production or a decrease in demand, leads to a decrease in price.

7. Market conditions:

  • Factors such as inflation, exchange rate and economic stability can affect the stretch price.
  • When the inflation rate is high, the price of stretch also increases.

8. Brand:

  • Famous and well-known brands in the market usually offer a higher price for their products, including stretch.
  • Lesser known brands may have lower prices.

9. Type of packaging:

  • Stretchers have different prices depending on the type of packaging, such as rolls, bundles or pallets.
  • Special or customized packages may have a higher price.

10. Minimum order:

  • Many suppliers offer discounts for bulk orders.
  • Buying in small quantities usually results in a higher cost.


  • Due to market fluctuations, the stretch price is constantly changing.
  • To get an accurate and up-to-date price, contact reliable suppliers and stretch manufacturers.


The production of stretch film, Ghasil Kalai Shargh

Stretch is a product of polymer products that is used for packaging and protection of products in transportation. This cover protects the packaged items from dust, scratches and environmental damage. Stretch film is a new and better method of packaging that can be wrapped around different items and protected. This method is a good alternative to packaging methods in sending goods to the East and makes the goods reach their destination more economically, firmly and easily. The manufacturer of stretch film should keep these points in mind when buying. Keep in mind that all things related to stretch production can be done easily at Gasil Kalai Shargh Company.

Manufacturer of food stretch marks

Food cellophane is a type of thin thermoplastic that has a smooth and transparent surface. This product offers a variety of features for better packaging with high tensile strength and adhesion. Types of cellophanes are divided into household and industrial categories.

Homemade cellophanes are used to store food at parties or in the refrigerator. However, stretch food is not only suitable for home use, but also used in the food industry. The primary material used to produce food packaging nylons is usually polyethylene or PVC. Gasil Kalai Shargh Company has a stretch factory and uses polyethylene with health and food grade certificates to produce food stretch.

Bulk purchase of stretch

Two different methods are used to produce stretch nylon. In the first method, the materials are melted and then turned into a thin coating of nylon polyethylene in the extrusion process and are exposed to cold air. Although production with this method is time-consuming, the final products are produced with very high quality and their cost is also higher than similar products.

In the second method, the raw material is first melted and then passed through a narrow slot that is wrapped around a cooling roll. This method produces cellophane with better stretch price , quality and speed, which is acceptable to the consumer.

Gasil Kalai Shargh Company is known as one of the pioneers of this industry in Iran, with a brilliant history in the field of producing all kinds of stretch cellophane. Our collection is committed to providing quality products and premium services, seeking to satisfy our customers.

You can contact our experts to get more information about the bulk purchase of stretch and the services of Gasil Kalai Shargh Company.


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